Monday, November 6th, 2006

Youths and Post-Youths Do It In The Voting Booth

Your favorite post-young part-time DJ non-savior is back, just in time for the elections.

Pop & Politics has a new look, and a bunch of compelling reads for election season, including a pointer to a report that kills that myth of youth apathy once and for all.

Eye-opening factoid: Blacks and Asians are the most politically engaged young Americans, and Latinos are catching up quickly.

It’s a must-read, especially since you’re not likely to hear about this snapshot from the future through the old MSM or your average white hipster pseudo-liberal bloggeratist.

Pop & Politics also has a great guide to the top races.

If you’re looking for hip-hop certified local youth voting info, check the the League of Young Voters website, or go directly to their local voter guides. There are almost 90 guides now, and more are still being added.

Here’s where I’m at:

* Phil Ting for San Francisco Assessor/Recorder
* Jane Kim for San Francisco School Board
* Aimee Allison for Oakland City Council
* Karen Hemphill for Berkeley School Board


1A: No
1C, 1D, 1E: Yes
Prop 86, 87, 89: Yes
Prop 88: No

Remember: Voting is not the only form of politics, but it’s a crucial one.

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