Wednesday, June 8th, 2005

Adisa Banjoko on Sideshows

Adisa Banjoko on sideshows in Oakland:

…when you ignore the youth of America- they always find a creative outlet. Car culture has always been a big part of urban life for many young people. The evolution of the sideshow is a direct result of cities shutting down the youth’s ability to cruise at a 5MPH pace throughout the night. Review all the overtime that the Oakland Police Department has cost you and the great city of Oakland. Can you afford NOT legalizing sideshows? For the sake of Oakland’s economy? You must agree that it is time to review the issue at hand and find a balance between the City of Oakland and its youth.

posted by @ 9:32 am | 4 Comments

4 Responses to “Adisa Banjoko on Sideshows”

  1. The Humanity Critic says:

    So very true, cool post man.

  2. The Bishop of Hip Hop says:

    Thanks for the love…

    We gotta save these kids, yo…

    When the Balance track hits the streets…

    LOOK DA F!@# OUT….

    Thats all I’m sayin’…

    Look out this summer…


  3. Brother OMi says:

    thats my ahki right thur, peace adisa.. you stuck it to them

  4. Ira Siwatu says:

    (remember me? Peace ak…)

    You think the police actually care about the Oakland economy? They’re high-school educated bloodsuckers and defenders of the bloodsuckers. They barely know what economy means. All they want is the overtime.
    It’s going to take someone strong to thwart them from that m.o. and stand up for Oakland’s economy.

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