Tuesday, May 6th, 2008

Breakin The Law :: B-Girls + B-Boys In Madison

Photo By Robin Davies (under Creative Commons license)

Big shout out to Jarius King, Rock Lee of Rhythm Attack, and all of the b-boys and b-girls–from as far away as Hong Kong, Japan, South Africa, and Wausau–who represented a couple weekends back at the Breakin’ The Law competition. (Video is here and here.) T-dot’s Supernaturalz took it in a close final against Milwaukee’s Motion Disorderz.

Robin Davies’s photos capture the vibe completely. Check them all out here!

posted by @ 9:25 am | 1 Comment

One Response to “Breakin The Law :: B-Girls + B-Boys In Madison”

  1. Brother OMi says:

    i should have just drove to this.. it was free…!

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