Wednesday, December 22nd, 2004

I Got A Letter From The Government…

December 14, 2004

Dear Mr. Chang;

On behalf of President Bush, thank you for your letter about Iraq. We appreciate learning your views.

In Iraq, the United States and our coalition partners removed a threat to our security and freed the Iraqi people from Saddam Hussein’t oppressive regime. Our Nation is more secure because a dangerous tyrant with a history of aggression and links to terrorists is no longer in power. American and coalition forces are helping to restore civil order and providing humanitarian aid, and the Iraqi people have regained control of their own country and future.

(…blah blah blah blah blah blah…)

As the war on terror continues, we look to members of our Nation’s Armed Forces as examples of courage, dedication, and sacrifice. Their service in defense of our founding ideals makes our country safer and makes the President proud to be their Commander in Chief. We appreciate their families for their support and sacrifice.

Thank you again for writing. For additional detials about the successful transition to Iraqi self-government, you may wish to visit the White House website, Best wishes.


Heidi Marquez

Special Assistant to the President

and Director of Presidential Correspondence

In much better news, an all Local final (‘ey, careful who you calling Hawaiian) at the Pipeline Masters! And the Eddie went too, props to Bruce Irons. Wish I was still in Hawai’i…

posted by @ 6:14 pm | 5 Comments

5 Responses to “I Got A Letter From The Government…”

  1. ronnie brown says:

    can you post your letter that produced their response?

  2. capski says:

    “north shore” locals. psh f- that, north shore locals are hurtin right now. and weren’t a few surfers supporting carol phillip’s bid for the state house?
    waaack, get the haoles out.
    all the rich hippie haole yuppie former surfers that are leading the gentrification charge in haleiwa and the bougie mokuleia developments need to go. surfing is good, but events like pipeline masters beat the shit out of the place.
    (and the volcom house needs to chill the f out)

    waialua forever.

  3. Jeff says:


    i think it was a form letter through working assets that basically opposed the back-door draft.


    ey bruddah, you would know. guess this townie’s been on the continent too long.

    merry xmas everyone…

  4. Anonymous says:

    jeff, check out the 9/30 entry on this blog!

  5. Jeff says:

    thanks, that’s hilarious!

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