Monday, April 10th, 2006

It’s My Birthday

…and I got a book due. Won’t hear from me for a while!

In the meantime, Expand-O-Links and Rapid Fire returns:

+ Much respect to everyone in the streets today. All eyes on Paris for inspiration. Here’s Rinku Sen on La Marcha.

+ Two great pieces on preserving the music of the great Horace Tapscott in the Los Angeles Weekly, here and here.

+ It’s your turn to remix David Byrne and Brian Eno’s My Life in the Bush of Ghosts!

+ Florida’s sophs are coming back. A UCLA-Florida rematch in the Big Game?

+ A’s, baby. (You didn’t think I’d have a blog entry without talking about how good my team is, did you?)


+ Proof of D12 was shot this morning. He’s dead at the age of 32. Is there something going on in Detroit?

+ I didn’t even know this ran. I was somewhere getting my back twisted up in some airplane seat. Me on “golden age” hip-hop, but probably not the era you’re thinking. Please post any tips for curing angry sciatic nerves.

posted by @ 9:03 am | 5 Comments

5 Responses to “It’s My Birthday”

  1. VenusNewYork says:

    Happy Birthday

  2. lynne d says:

    Happy Birthday!

  3. Jeff says:

    thank you! i’m so old it’s time to start taking steroids.

  4. Soccer Dad says:

    Yo homey, Yoga did more for my back than chiropractic did. Go slow. But stretch before and afterward. Other tips are to work on your posture, get some good shoes, drink lots of water, lift with your legs and take plenty of breaks if you’re stuck at the computer.


  5. Jeff says:

    oh snap, news i can use! very helpful, and much less impactful than the BALCO approach. thank you…

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