Wednesday, May 7th, 2008

It’s Not Over… + Darrin Bell on America-Hating Black Preachers

It’s not over.

We’re all still puzzling over Hillary’s spin that Indiana was somehow a tie-breaker. She barely escaped out of there with a virtual tie. The wrath of the math is upon the Clintons. But let no election results put asunder…

In any case less than half of voters in Indiana and North Carolina were distracted by the Reverend Wright scandals. Maybe we’re smarter than the media gives us credit for?

The last word should belong to Darrin Bell, whose Candorville has been straight killing it this week. These 6 panels–asking the question “If 2008 were 1968…”–are worth more than the hundreds of thousands of words that have poured out this past month.

Click through to see the strips full-size.

UPDATE :: Here’s the links to the rest of Candorville’s week…

+ Thursday

+ Friday

posted by @ 8:26 am | 1 Comment

One Response to “It’s Not Over… + Darrin Bell on America-Hating Black Preachers”

  1. ronnie brown says:

    our memories are so short…

    Frederick Douglass’ 1841 speech What to the Slave is the 4th of July?

    the tradition continues.

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