Sunday, January 22nd, 2006

Miggy to O’s: That’s Not What I Meant!

Well, the Orioles may not lower their ERA this year, but they did lower the team’s IQ several points by picking up paleocon nudie Anna Benson and her gold-digging little right-hander Kris:

Anna Benson had a lot to say during her stay in the Big Apple:

‘Hell no, I’m not going to change for anybody. (Kris) loves me. I’m very true to myself and to Kris.’
–To reporters, after showing upat a Mets event in a low-cut Mrs. Claus outfit to distributetoys to children.

‘You are a selfish, pathetic excuse for an American, and you can take your big fat ass over to Iraq and get your pig head cut off and stuck on a pig pole. Then, you can have your equally as-fat wife make a documentary about how loudly you squealed while terrorists were cutting through all the blubber and chins to get that 40-pound head off of you.’
–In an open letter to documentary filmmaker Michael Moore.

‘I wear fur. I wear dead rabbits and dead minks and dead anything that will keep me warm. I love it. I don’t like to be cold, and nothing keeps me warmer than my dead animals.’
–In an open letterto People for the EthicalTreatment of Animals.

‘How are they going to sit there and say it’s so controversial when they sign someone like Delgado, who turns his back on our flag?’
–On new Met Carlos Delgado,who in the past has refused to stand for the playingof ‘God Bless America’in protest of U.S. policies.

‘I said, ‘You better put that $5,000 chip away before you get f—.’ The dealer heard me and cast me out. .. It’s bull—-, the whole thing. .. Why are they trying to get moral? I’m mean, we’re gambling. People are drinking. This is Las Vegas. I don’t want to hear this. There are no morals here.’
–Describing her outburst at the World Seriesof Poker in an interview with the Daily News.

‘I told him (Kris) — because that’s the biggest thing in athletics, they cheat all the time — I told him, ‘Cheat on me all you want. If you get caught, I’m going to (have sex with) everybody on your entire team. Coaches, trainers, players.’ I would do everybody on his whole team.’
–During an appearance on Howard Stern’s radio show.

Think she’ll fit well in Baltimore? Money is he gets traded before the year’s out and she divorces him.

posted by @ 6:29 pm | 1 Comment

One Response to “Miggy to O’s: That’s Not What I Meant!”

  1. Sean says:

    Trust me, she has quite a stronghold on Kris and they’re in it for life. Anna insists upon this.

    Benson is an overwhelmingly mediocre pitcher but it’s not like they gave the Mets much, save Jorge Julio’s whiny demeanor.

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