Saturday, October 14th, 2006

Thank You A’s

Just woke up in Melbourne to learn that MaggliO did it in the 9th. Nico and Athletics Nation sums it all up:

… I can keep thinking to myself as I ponder what it feels like to get swept in an LCS is that 26 teams didn’t have the chance.

I’m proud of the 2006 Oakland A’s. And I can’t wait for Spring Training, 2007.

Even if and when Zito leaves–and like Miggy, he’ll still be gold and green always–I still like these guys, Billy, his staff and our chances. Great season, big heart, best fans in the world.

posted by @ 5:10 pm | 3 Comments

Saturday, October 14th, 2006

Down South (Of The Equator)

Welcome to Oz rock.

In Melbourne for the Red Bull Music Academy, click through to follow the misadventures of your boy and the brilliant RBMA team and participants for the next couple weeks plus!

posted by @ 6:00 am | 0 Comments

Wednesday, October 11th, 2006

Edison Chen: Impresario for the new China?

Chinese stunnas mayne! (From Edison Chen’s blog)

Here’s a piece today on Edison Chen that I did for the SF Chronicle. Yes I know. Those of you who aren’t 16 year-old AZN girls and know a little bit about his teen-idol career might be like, huh? But the cat is doing things.

Here’s a piece of the piece:

Like a lot of people in Hong Kong, a city whose millennial fever spiked three years early when its sovereignty was transferred from Great Britain to China, Chen feels that he has a lot of work to do. His North American movie debut comes Friday, less than a week after his 26th birthday, with a leading role opposite Amber Tamblyn in “The Grudge 2,” the latest Hollywood take on Takashi Shimizu’s Japanese horror classic, “Ju-On.” Meanwhile, he’s managing his brand-development company, Clot, opening a new Juice store in Shanghai, plotting reality shows for MTV Asia (his wildly popular, famous-folks-and-practical-jokes show “Whatever Things” — now on hiatus — made him the Asian Ashton Kutcher), and finishing his latest Mandarin-language album.

Just reading his daily blog, with its high-speed, hip-hop-style mix of wit, braggadocio and commodity fetishism, can be exhausting. In just six years, Chen has made more than 20 films and 10 CDs. Born in Vancouver, B.C., fluent in English, Cantonese and Mandarin, comfortable on the streets of Shanghai, Tokyo, Seoul and New York City, and eager to advance the new China’s youth culture, he has become something of a poster boy for the post-handover generation. Chen may soon become Hong Kong’s freshest export.

posted by @ 6:54 am | 2 Comments

Saturday, October 7th, 2006

Feels So Good

Happy dining!

And to the rest of us down here on the ground, another great week of baseball in the month that matters.

posted by @ 4:45 pm | 8 Comments

Saturday, October 7th, 2006

Oh I Want To Be There In My City

I’m homesick.

Here’s everything you ever needed to know about the Bay Area.

1) We mix business with pleasure.
Eric Chavez waited for this day for so long that he refused to be interrupted while answering questions, even as Nick Swisher and Bobby Kielty emptied a beer down his baseball pants.

2) We respect generosity.
In the introduction of the starting lineups, the crowd loudly booed every player until Torii Hunter was announced and then the fans erupted in cheers.

3) We sometimes lack confidence.
“When I heard everyone screaming my name, I just said to myself: ‘Do not strike out. Please, just make some contact,’ ” Marco Scutaro said.

4) We love being underdogs.
As Marco Scutaro hit a three-run double in the seventh that essentially put the game out of reach for the Minnesota Twins, ecstatic fans in the left field bleachers began chanting ‘What curse?’ and ‘No more curse.’ After a couple minutes, many began to chant ‘Yankees suck!’

posted by @ 5:40 am | 3 Comments

Friday, October 6th, 2006

Kings Back!

Number one on the list while you clowns are climbing
Wishing to be in positions that you found that I’m in

ESPN mfs are all at home early tonight studying names they shoulda been known.

5 of 19. Only A-Fraud’s numbers are worse.

Could be the Tigers! It is the Tigers! Thank you to the great city of New York. You deserve a team with more heart…luckily you can find them in Queens.

All of you are welcome on the Underdog Love bandwagon. We don’t discriminate.

posted by @ 6:15 pm | 3 Comments

Tuesday, October 3rd, 2006

14 Of 19 ESPN "Experts" Are Complete Idiots

Check this page on Sunday and you’ll see what I mean.

On the other hand, I’ve been proudly sporting green and gold all around NYC for the past 2 days and have been pleasantly surprised at the amount of respect I’ve gotten.

I didn’t expect to be beaten down in the street, but I did expect folks to be like “Are you kidding?” especially with the city at full fever pitch over a Subway series that will never happen. (Two names: El Disastro and A-Fraud.)

Instead folks have explaining how they are in real fear of the A’s. Now that’s something you’d never get on ESPN or out of the media capital of the world. Watched ESPN News again tonight and the A’s gutsy win was reduced to two questions:

1) Johan Santana lost?

2) Huh?

No wonder they say Zito wants to go to LA (great food, great music and arts underground, great sunsets, bacterial beaches, lousy entertainment industry, way over-rated baseball teams) or NY (great town, great people, greatest closer in my lifetime, great team in Queens, swarms of lazy sports pundits, and the most hateable sports team owner in the history of mankind). In good old American media groupthink, who wouldn’t want to go to a town where all the media live?

Personally I never believe the hype and I hold out hope like the true underdog.

Same thing happened to the White Sox last year, when the media turned on a dime in the World Series and decided to make them America’s team after steady ignoring ’em for most of the year.

Maybe Ozzie Guillen can replace Vern “Mumble More Dumb Stuff” Wells. (The Jays are a lot poorer but they still suck.) Or maybe I should just get used to it.

posted by @ 8:32 pm | 11 Comments

Thursday, September 28th, 2006

Takk! Tack!!

Text and linkage and lots of thank yous on the way. Stay tuned.

posted by @ 7:09 pm | 2 Comments

Thursday, September 28th, 2006

Guess Who’s Back: Benzino and Mays

After the rumors, it’s finally become official. Benzino and Mays are back in the rap magazing game. Mimi Valdes is in as the editor:

Hip Hop Weekly breaks new ground as the world’s first entertainment news & celebrity lifestyle publication targeting the market of almost 40 million U.S. consumers under the age of 40 who identify with hip-hop culture. Hip Hop Weekly will report on all the news, events and issues surrounding the hip-hop community, right as they happen. The magazine will cover film, TV, music, fashion, sports and celebrity news with an authoritative voice, and will serve a 50/50 male/female readership from 15 to 40 years old.

posted by @ 5:48 am | 0 Comments

Tuesday, September 26th, 2006

"The chemistry on this team is unbelievable"-Lew Wolff

posted by @ 9:43 pm | 4 Comments

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