Monday, March 17th, 2008

Planet B-Boy Opening Across The U.S.

Hey fam, sorry for the radio silence. I’m now in the middle of a lecture tour, and have been encountering weather as cold and grimy as the people and hospitality have been warm and wonderful. I shouldn’t have left you without a strong beat to step to.

Here’s the movie I wrote about in last year’s Foreign Policy piece and have been talking up in my talks, an incredible celebration of hip-hop’s global impact and a bracing shot of visual adrenalin. Director Benson Lee has been traveling around the country showing the flick, and now he’s cut a deal to show it on Landmark Theatre screens around the US over the next month. Just click the poster above for more info, and don’t miss it. It’s everything it promises.

posted by @ 11:47 am | 1 Comment

One Response to “Planet B-Boy Opening Across The U.S.”

  1. Brother OMi says:

    please oh please come to ohio

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