Monday, October 23rd, 2006

Red Bull Music Academy, Week 2

Just Shifting Gears Through All The Years: (from left) Yvonne Mizell, Larry Mizell, Wally Badarou, Rod Mizell, Fonce Mizell

Just started Week 2 of the Red Bull Music Academy, with an unbelievably great interview with the Mizell brothers, shared with Benji B. Click there to find out how the Jackson 5 squeezed out Gladys Knight, and the real deal on the Marvin Gaye/Mizell dubplates. Bonus!: why Bob Geldof is so wrong, and why Dubstep is so right.

Last week I got to interview Kutcha Edwards, Arthur Verocai, and Joe Bataan. Saturday night (participate) at the Espy–Joe, his timbalero Chukkie, and his wife Yvonne were backed by the mighty Bamboos. Was it all amazing? Do platypi swim?

(BTW the answer to both is yes, all you underachieving Americans.)

You can score the highlights via podcast here. The best of today’s Mizells session will be up soon.

Stay tuned to RBMA Radio for the entire live Bataan & the Bamboos show and my exclusive interview with him. Plus your boy goes live at 7pm Melbourne time Tuesday night (about 1am Tuesday morning PST). We’ll have some aboriginal deep funk and guest DJs from the Academy.

BTW Skream’s album just dropped today. If you don’t know…you know the rest.

posted by @ 6:39 am | 3 Comments

3 Responses to “Red Bull Music Academy, Week 2”

  1. ronnie brown says:

    werwhich Mizell brother is in the wheelchair?

    …and do they have any unreleased gems coming out in the near future?

  2. ronnie brown says:

    correction: which Mizell brother…

  3. Jeff says:

    That’s Fonce. They’re working right now on a second Mizell compilation for Blue Note. Not sure if there will be any unreleased greatness on it. After hearing the Marvin Gaye stuff (WOW) I sure hope so.

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