Sunday, June 26th, 2005

San Francisco, Who’s Your Daddy?

His name is Rich Harden, aka Fido. A 16-0 one-hitter means you pay next time you come across the bridge.

Barry Bonds’ annual salary, $18 million.

2 Wednesday night Tickets to A’s + 2 Hot Dogs, $6.

Sweeping the Giants (even without Mr. Steroid Withdrawal), priceless.

We’ve won 12 of the last 15. Now if the Mets can take care of the Yankees, the universe will be back in balance. What a great weekend this is shaping up to be.

(BTW what happened to the Twins this weekend? Frickin’ Santana cost me $60 in Vegas!)

posted by @ 2:54 pm | 7 Comments

7 Responses to “San Francisco, Who’s Your Daddy?”

  1. Nate P. says:

    I think Santana and Silva are on some Freaky Friday shit (Silva having 6 wins and 5 walks all season; shit’s frightnin’).

  2. hua says:

    Hey jeff,
    what do you think of all these rumors about Kotsay getting shipped? Do you think Billy wants to tamper with the current streak? They say that kid Daric Barton is ready to step in, but it would seem nuts to deal your table-setter… What’s the feeling in the Yay?

  3. Anonymous says:


    I like Harden, he’s on my Fantasy team, but the Giants will be back! I heard a rumor on Yankee radio last Saturday that the Yankess are trying to get Schmidt for Giambi, sierra, and Brown. Think its a bad deal for the Giants.


  4. Anonymous says:

    let’s just keep the ball rolling. OAKLAND~!

  5. fc says:

    who needs huddy and mulder, anyway!
    huddy’s stuck on the DL with the same recurring injury. mulder just plain sucks and has never finished a season strong. mulder -all thak bad karma you put out by dissing oakland fans is coming back to bite ya!

    do as beane does: buy low, sell high!


  6. Anonymous says:

    Hey Jeff,

    I’m making a documentary about the influence of dub in hip hop and electronic music, called DUB ECHOES, and have been trying to contact you to see if maybe you can help with something.

    If possible, write to



  7. Danyel says:

    sigh. MLB puts me straight to sleep …

    : )

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