Tuesday, July 1st, 2014
Well, I guess there’s no turning back now.
That long-rumored, oft-delayed Next Book is finally done and being published. As you can see, there’s even a date. And yes, we do mean 2014.
Everyone say, Finally.
Here’s the cover copy:
Race. A four-letter word. The greatest social divide in American life, a half-century ago and today.
During that time, the U.S. has seen the most dramatic demographic and cultural shifts in its history, what can be called the colorization of America. But the same nation that elected its first Black president on a wave of hope—another four-letter word—is still plunged into endless culture wars.
How do Americans see race now? How has that changed—and not changed—over the half-century? After eras framed by words like “multicultural” and “post-racial,” do we see each other any more clearly?
From the dream of integration to the reality of colorization, Who We Be remixes comic strips and contemporary art, campus protests and corporate marketing campaigns, Martin Luther King, Jr. and Trayvon Martin into a powerful, unusual, and timely cultural history of the idea of racial progress.
In this follow-up to the classic Can’t Stop Won’t Stop: A History of the Hip-Hop Generation, Jeff Chang brings fresh energy, style, and sweep to the essential American story.
We got lots more news before the summer is over. Come back and bring a friend.
Oh, and in the meantime, do that thing you do when you’re on Facebook–>here.
Talk soon!
Upcoming Appearances
For a complete list of Jeff's appearances, check Dates.
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Requests for commercial uses of any content here are welcome.
Please Note: Due to the massive amount of email it has become impossible to reply individually to interview requests for term papers. With apologies, we would like to recommend this list of interviews and Jeff's articles in the Reader. Thanks for understanding.
USA Interview Requests, Media Inquiries, or Review Copy Requests:
Please email here to reach James Meader at Picador Books.
UK and Australia Media Requests, Media Inquiries, or Review Copy Requests:
Please email here to reach Caroline Newbury at Ebury Press.
Speaking Engagements or Lectures:
Please email here to reach Charles Yao at the Lavin Agency. For more info on booking an engagement with Jeff, go here.
Literary Rights or Reprint Requests:
Please email here to reach Victoria Sanders at the Victoria Sanders Agency.
All other stuff: