Monday, October 31st, 2005

Clear Channel Could Lose Its Licenses In California

On the heels of an action on Friday evening against Clear Channel, Youth Media Council and Media Alliance are taking the unusual step of going after Clear Channel’s broadcast licenses in California.

Every 8 years, the FCC reviews the licenses of broadcast outlets.This license renewal process is the only official opportunity for communities to challenge the licenses of large media corporations. So the YMC and MA have announced a media justice coalition to specifically challenge the license renewal of 4 Bay Area Clear Channel stations: 106.1 KMEL (urban format); 94.9 KYLD (urban format); KSGO (Spanish music format) and 910AM KNEW (talk format).

The coalition wants the FCC to investigate the stations for problems such as lack of attention to local issues, talent, and music, and consistent advocacy of violence against people of color, immigrants, and gays.

The challenges were filed last week. Clear Channel will be given 14 days to respond. The FCC will decide by December 1st if the licenses will be renewed.

Stay tuned for more info as this develops.

posted by @ 7:42 pm | 1 Comment

One Response to “Clear Channel Could Lose Its Licenses In California”

  1. Brother OMi says:

    listening to Davey D’s joint right now

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