Tuesday, September 12th, 2006

Deep Bass Therapy

Just returned from Deep Bass Therapy sessions at the Numusic Festival in Stavanger, Norway with Mad Professor, DJ Spooky, and the great, the one and only DJ Kool Herc. Cindy Campbell–original b-girl!–even showed me some steps to try out with my now quickly recovering body. Plus a big up to Afra and the grand Incredible Beatbox Band–who lived up to the billing and more…

Spent the next day with a long list from leading journalist Oyvind Holen, the man who literally wrote the book on the history of Norsk rap, HipHop Holen (which means “hip-hop heads”), trying to pick up the country’s GDP. Thanks especially for the recs on Tommy Tee (sort of like a 1-man Norwegian Neptunes), Gatas Parliament (communist flow, yes!), Tungtvann (a little bit black-metal, a little bit psych-rock, a little bit dancehall). I couldn’t find anything by the compelling Norwegian-Chilean-indigenous crew Dark Side of the Force who turned in a great set Friday night, but I understand they have a new record coming soon.

I missed a lot of the shows I wanted to see either because I got there too late or there was just way too much going on. But I did catch great sets from ridiculously loud and enjoyable Next Life (think Swans plus Nina Hagen minus artyfartiness), neo-post-neopostpunk 120 Days (who are signed to Vice and will be touring the US soon), producer/professor/DJ (yes, professor) Ewan Pearson, and the aging kiddie-punks Stereo Total, and 2 DJs who dressed up as a wolf and a bear.

Two other random non-hip-hop thoughts:

1) Stereo Total > White Stripes

2) Jack Black > Jack White

Chris Porter found us all the cheap food spots (because normally lunch could run you like $25), educated us dumb Americans about Norwegian history, and was generally the kind of person you always want to travel with. Geeta Dayal updated us on the latest depressing news from the Voice, shocked us with info on rental prices in Berlin, and pulled an all-nighter at the club the last night. Seems like she made it home in one piece though! Me and Ed of the best named band in the world Duran Duran Duran braved passport control, airport food, and multiple security checkpoints at Frankfurt.

Much love to all my new friends for the wonderful hospitality, especially the sweet Ms. Human Nature Anita, Hannah In The House, Martyn the Grand Orchestrator, and SuperStein Rockstone. If I ever get around to making another one, I might even name my next child Stavanger.

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