Monday, August 21st, 2006

Heard Ya Missed Me

Been away trying to get out, get relaxed, and get well.

That process is not over. Work is backing up, calls are going unanswered, things are getting cancelled, appointments are not being kept. I apologize. But I am on life’s DL. Give me a couple of weeks and I’ll be back like Huston Street.

At the same time, Blogger goes down and has some bizarre beta-testing going on with the dreaded Googlists. WTF?

So radio silence has reigned.

But life isn’t all bad, especially in baseball. The A’s are killing and the Red Sox are deader every day. (Somewhere in Walnut Creek, a bunch of investment bankers are quietly tossing their Ortiz jerseys and going online to order a Frank Thomas, right now.) The Yankees–all praises due to the Emperor–will collapse soon now that they have to leave Boston to face reality (first up, the AL West where real baseball gets played).

More fun and games this fall.

Stay tuned to this space.

posted by @ 6:31 pm | 6 Comments

6 Responses to “Heard Ya Missed Me”

  1. exo says:

    “The Yankees–all praises due to the Emperor–will collapse soon now that they have to leave Boston to face reality.”

    As if.

    (Obviously all that hate in your blood is causing bad health. Obviously.)

  2. Jeff says:

    2006 Oakland A’s vs. New York Yankees

    April 3, 2-15 Lost
    April 4, 4-3 Won
    April 5, 9-4 Won
    May 12, 0-2 Lost
    May 13, 3-4 Lost
    May 14, 6-1 Won
    June 9, 6-5 Won
    June 10, 5-2 Won
    June 11, 6-5 Won

    Welcome to reality.

    …If it wasn’t for hate, I’d be dead!

  3. exo says:

    So. . .

    OAK: 41 pts, 6 wins
    NY: 41 pts, 3 wins

    This constitutes collapse? I think not.

  4. Jeff says:

    Ahem. In baseball they call ’em runs. All you AL East fans are so concerned with numbers when the only number that counts is the one that determines who won. Toronto tops the MLB in hits and can’t hold a 8-run lead. Yankees may lead in runs, but chemistry is what’s really important these next two months.

  5. Kevin says:

    Glad your back, man! Keep rested up!

  6. ronnie brown says:

    didn’t realize you were laid up…get better youngsta!

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