Wednesday, May 14th, 2008

Hillary And The Racist Gap

Hillary’s argument that Obama can’t reach white working-class voters makes perfect sense. It represents her true politics–based in buzzkill pragmatism of the most cynical kind. Will we cater to the worst in our voters all the time? Yes we will!

Or…to paraphrase Amy Poehler-in-her-Hillary-banana-suit on SNL: “My voters will never vote for Senator Obama because they’re racist.” It was hilarious because it called out the Clinton campaign on its not-so-subtle identity politics. Last night, Clinton all but made West Virginia ’08 into Alabama ’64.

But what if Hillary’s line is right?

Last month after the Pennsylvania caucus, I mentioned a Republican calculation that 15% of white voters would never vote for a Black man. Exit polls gave circumstantial confirmation.

Then came reports earlier this week of Obama canvassers confronting racists in the streets and on the phone.

Last night, more than half of West Virginia’s 95% white voters said that they wouldn’t be happy if Obama got the nomination. A shockingly large number say they would vote for McCain if he got the nomination.

Democrats for both Obama and Hillary insist that this is a temporary condition, that once the rancor of the primaries is over, all hatchets will be buried. Obama, for his part, has ignored the white-baiting and did almost no campaigning in West Virginia.

But Earl Ofari Hutchinson notes that where Obama picked up white voters, the states aren’t even in play. He calls an Obama candidacy “the Democrat’s gamble”.

Is there a racist gap? And if so, can Obama overcome it?

posted by @ 6:22 am | 7 Comments

7 Responses to “Hillary And The Racist Gap”

  1. Marcus Reeves says:

    Good point, dude. I always thought—and still think—white supremacy might overwhelm Barack’s run for office, and ultimately get McCain in the White House. Then again, I’m kind of an anarchist (like the Smiley character in Do the Right Thing) and wouldn’t mind seeing whites—particularly poor whites— vote in a man who will ultimately drive this country, (economically and militarily) off the cliff….LOL

  2. Julius says:

    It will be absolutely intersting to see how this thing plays out. I hear so much talk from white liberals that racism is not as bad as it used to be. I always respond by saying that everything is relative…

    If some folks decide that they will not vote for Obama because he is “not white” then we get what we deserve. Lets focus on leadership and vision. Lets focus on voting in the best candidate to get this country to the next level. The USA leads the world in so many areas, some we are proud of, and some we’d like to just soon forget.

    Great things can happen during a time of change. Hopefully, folks have had their fill of BUSH’s blurred vision and are ready for hope, new ideas and a solid vision. If not, we better hang on tight cause this ride is just going to get bumpier.

    NEWSFLASH!!! Black folk and White folk pay the same at the gas pump…real talk!

    Julius A. Davis
    Stone Mountain, GA

  3. Zentronix says:

    Not to mention Asian/Pacific Islanders and everyone else!

    (BTW is that Haircut Julius from that Hartford conference a lifetime ago? If so, what’s up man!)

  4. Julius says:

    Yes, my friend…it is I….still cutting heads. I like your BLOG….good work all around. Let me know when you make it to the ATL. Send me an email and I will forward my latest creation!

  5. Zentronix says:

    nice to know you’re still nice with the clippers and the politics! hit me offlist, need yr contax again…

  6. Anonymous says:

    Jeff…I cannot locate your email address on the site, so I will take a chance and leave mine…..hit me up!!!


  7. Anonymous says:

    sorry…gave you incorrect info:

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