Tuesday, April 18th, 2006

Hip-Hop Is Dead, Part 35,784

Hip-hop is MINE. Moo hoo hoo hoo hahaha.

Random headlines from The Expertâ„¢:

+ Reggaeton is dead. (But Latin hip-hop–AKA Freestyle–is back from the dead.)

+ Hip-hop is dead.

+ New York hip-hop is dead dead dead. Evidence? click and click.

+ More things that are dead: Click. Click. Click.

+ All kidding aside, here’s a real–and a real sad–story by the great sportswriter Marcos Breton about the death of Mario Encarnacion, a Dominican baseball player who came up with Miguel Tejada as a highly-touted A’s prospect, but died playing in Taiwan, broken in part by steroids. In all the noise about Bonds, consider this story the other side of the game.

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