Thursday, October 15th, 2009

Is Hip-Hop Grown Up?

Where’s the Geritol swag bag, son?

The annual VH1 Hip-Hop Honors and this BBC article featuring my friends Joe Conzo and Nick Conway prompted’s editor Danyel Smith to ask some of us if we had any opinions on the topic.

The great Noz, of Cocaine Blunts fame, weighed in. And so did Jozen Cummings and I. Here’s an excerpt from that short piece…

Ten years ago, I wrote a piece on hip-hop nostalgia. I was against it.

(Hey I said it was a short piece!) To read the whole thing, click here.

posted by @ 9:56 am | 2 Comments

2 Responses to “Is Hip-Hop Grown Up?”

  1. As long as hip hop is largely viewed as being dependent on narrowly specific racial, economic and cultural signifiers, instead of being accepted as a reflection of a diverse and multicultural populace, then it will never be allowed to grow up.

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