Thursday, November 16th, 2006

Upski On Dems and The Youth Vote

A brilliant, must-read essay from William Upski Wimsatt on the importance of the youth vote:

The secret weapon in last Tuesday’s historic election was a constituency Democrats barely bothered to recognize: young people.

Continuing a trend begun in 2004, this year’s election may have produced the highest youth mid-term turnout ever. Early estimates suggest that 10 million voters under the age of 30 made up 13% of the electorate. They helped Democrats in close elections sweep into office in 25 states.

We know because our organization, the League of Young Voters, turned out 150,000 young voters who made the difference in races in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Minnesota, California, and Florida. We were just one of dozens of independent, under-the-radar, youth-led efforts to inspire and turn out young voters.

Young people are progressive on issues such as abortion, gay marriage, and immigration. Most think the country is on the wrong track, and oppose the war. They vote Democratic by a 2 to 1 margin. So why are young people overlooked by political campaigners and pundits? The answer is what we call the myth of youth apathy.

posted by @ 8:09 am | 2 Comments

2 Responses to “Upski On Dems and The Youth Vote”

  1. Lori S. says:

    So why are young people overlooked by political campaigners and pundits? The answer is what we call the myth of youth apathy.

    Well, and the lack of youth donor dollars, to be a little cynical here.

  2. Anonymous says:

    So why are young people overlooked by political campaigners and pundits?

    The answer, not to be cynical here, is called adultism.

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